Selma gives an account of the American history using dramatic stories of the success of black people. The film is more about the process of political steering through fighting and bargaining of deals which were focused on eradicating racial discrimination. Although some events drawn from the film are not that accurate when compared to the history of the actual events, the inaccuracies do not disqualify the importance of the film. The film contains numerous scenes which portray the struggle for the liberation of the black people in the US.
In 1963 the student nonviolent coordinating committee (SNCC) was founded by majority black students. The students were organizing the local black people in the dangerous work registering the black voters.
Bernard Lafayette and Colia in collaboration with Boynton held citizenship school classes which driven by the desire to reduce the level of illiteracy and conduct a door to door voter registration encouraging the black Americans to exercise their voting rights. The producers of this film intended to outline the historical formation of the student nonviolent coordinating committee (SNCC) whose primary aim was to overturn segregation in the south and increase the black student’s voters.
According to the film, in 1964, David Oyelowo engages Tom Wilkinson met to discuss the subject of Africa American people being denied the right to vote. Tom Wilkinson urges David as he tells him not to start another conflict when they haven’t trumped the first one. He goes ahead to insist that the next battle which they should focus on fighting should be based on the eradication of poverty which he refers to “war on poverty.” About the sentiments of Wilkinson in the film, the voting issue should not be a priority because it was not serious and urgent. This scene was relating to the Martin Luther King when he was pushing for the black people to be granted their voting rights. David Oyelowo takes the role of Martin Luther King while Tom Wilkinson assumes the position of the 36th President of the US, Lyndon B Johnson In Selma, Mrs.
Boynton was very determined with the DCVL as she acted a crucial role in a long time nurturing the efforts of the black people to register as voters. In addition to her contribution, she readily encouraged the participation offered by the SNCC by supporting the work of the young activists. In Another scene, female activist Marie foster lectured citizenship classes before the arrival of the SNCC. In 1965 as SCLC started intensifying the hostility in Selma, both foster and Boynton were inspiring the black people while using themselves on the frontline. They also led the Bloody Sunday and the following march to Montgomery.
The above two scenes are very crucial as they inform the present generation on the central role of the women in achieving the right to vote among the black people in the history of the US. The scenes provide reasonable grounds on why America should celebrate the role of women in the liberation of the nation.
In conclusion, the Selma campaign is a mark of success of the civil rights movement because it was the catalyst behind the voting rights act passage in 1965. At some point, the film partially appreciates the effort of President Lyndon Johnson who approved the act into a law assuring the southern black population of the federal protection of their right to vote.
Despite the president being given credit typically, the film provides full credit for the efforts of the civil rights movement whose efforts in white opposition could not be ignored by the US government.

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Selma. (2020, Jan 05). Retrieved from