Drug Addictions
Drug addictions are something that many people in America face. A lot of families today face a person who is a drug addict or an alcoholic and this is breaking up families. People can help people addicted to drugs by providing community support, education,and teaching drug addicts how to deal with stress after overcoming addiction.
Community and support groups are a great ways and opportunities for recovering addicts to be able to meet and befriend people who are also going through recovery.
For people to succeed in recovery for long term they need to be able to find a purpose a meaning and joy in life.People who are addicted to drugs normally will hide they problems and pain from there families.Support groups and certain relationships can be great ways for people to find a encouraging community while recovery.
Education is very affected by drug addicts many teens who are old enough to be in the 12th grade dropout for school because there drug addiction has been raised and by taking higher substances. Dropouts between the ages of 16 and 18 are most likely to use cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol and other illicit drugs. More than 30 percent of students who dropout of high school compared to the 18 percent of those who stay in school. In 2013 there was a study taken that show that teens who use marijuana and other drugs on a daily basis have a higher rate of leaving college before graduation.
In 2013 a test was shown that 6.6 percent of the american population was dependent on alcohol and different drugs. Most people who are addicted to drugs use it as a method to reduce their stress so after they go through recovery and overcome the addiction how they going to deal with stress without using the drugs well families play a large part in the recovery of an addict. When thinking about how to deal with a addiction it’s important to think about the nature of addiction. When addictions strike those family members and friends need to take a few steps to be able to get the person they love into recovery. Tips to be able to help people of those who are struggling with addiction cope with it is by making sure you research the backgrounds of addiction,connect with people who understand what that person is going through,be open to going to family therapy sessions, eat with them and sit down as a family,stay in touch with the personal joy, and lastly make sure they are able to stick to a routine.
In conclusion addictions are something that is hard to recover from and it takes time to be build back up again so just make sure to be there for the person and that it might take a while just make sure to stay strong.
Drug Addictions
Drug addictions are something that many people in America face.A lot of families today face a person who is a drug addict or an alcoholic and this is breaking up families. People can help people addicted to drugs by providing community support, education, and teaching drug addicts how to deal with stress after overcoming addiction.
Community and support groups are a great ways and opportunities for recovering addicts to be able to meet and befriend people who are also going through recovery. For people to succeed in recovery for long term they need to be able to find a purpose a meaning and joy in life. People who are addicted to drugs normally will hide they problems and pain from there families. Support groups and certain relationships can be great ways for people to find a encouraging community while recovery.
Education is very affected by drug addicts many teens who are old enough to be in the 12th grade dropout for school because there drug addiction has been raised and by taking higher substances.Dropouts between the ages of 16 and 18 are most likely to use cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol and other illicit drugs. More than 30 percent of students who dropout of high school compared to the 18 percent of those who stay in school. In 2013 there was a study taken that show that teens who use marijuana and other drugs on a daily basis have a higher rate of leaving college before graduation.
In 2013 a test was shown that 6.6 percent of the american population was dependent on alcohol and different drugs.Most people who are addicted to drugs use it as a method to reduce their stress so after they go through recovery and overcome the addiction how they going to deal with stress without using the drugs well families play a large part in the recovery of an addict.When thinking about how to deal with a addiction it’s important to think about the nature of addiction. When addictions strike those family members and friends need to take a few steps to be able to get the person they love into recovery.Tips to be able to help people of those who are struggling with addiction cope with it is by making sure you research the backgrounds of addiction,connect with people who understand what that person is going through, be open to going to family therapy sessions, eat with them and sit down as a family,stay in touch with the personal joy, and lastly make sure they are able to stick to a routine.
In conclusion addictions are something that is hard to recover from and it takes time to be build back up again so just make sure to be there for the person and that it might take a while just make sure to stay strong.

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Drug Addictions. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/drug-addictions/