Drugs – Escape from Reality

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Who wants to escape from reality? You must go for Drugs then. A phenomenon used by all fools in today’s world. Drug abuse is when one misuses the drugs in a harmful way. Drug addiction is harmful not only for the addicted but also has a lot of negative effects on society. There is no country in the world where such a problem doesn’t exist. Today this issue is often being discussed by doctors who claim that dope abuse mainly takes youth from 14 up to 40.

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For most of the people, the intake of drugs is just temporary but with the passage of time, they are swept up in the cycle of addiction, the neural pathways in the brain change so they are less able to control their behavior and resist their intense impulse.

This disease is widely increasing across the world. Street drugs include cocaine, heroin and crack while prescription drugs include those like Valium, Ritalin etc. Simple ill effects of such addiction include physical itchiness, coma, and even premature death whereas on the other hand, ill effects of these drugs may make a person completely dependent on such drugs in order to live. Drug addiction is a very serious problem and ill effects can be harmful indeed. The intake of drugs begins when people start to believe that by taking drugs they will do good, will feel better and also will full fill their curiosity as well as peer pressure.

As a matter of fact, it has been researched that approximately 20 million people aged above twelve years have used illegal drugs in the US. Well, the most worrying thing is not actually that school going children are starting drugs but the fact that teenagers wish to earn money out of selling drugs. The problem among children and youth arises because of the perception that they seem to harbor the notion of their inadequacy for failing to measure up to their expectations of their elders. Nowadays its trend for actors and singers to include tales of drugs addiction in their music so instead of mentioning good values, the entertainment industry is also responsible in the propagation of drug abuse. Drug addiction among the youth is killing them morally and socially as well as psychologically and even physically.

There are many effects of drug intake such as mood swings, depression, anxiety, paranoia, headache, Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, liver and kidney failures, and strokes. It also damages the immune system and damages the brain which interferes with memory and attention. Apart from health issues, the abuse of the drug can lead to many other serious consequences like loss of jobs, homelessness, financial trouble, relationship loss, risky sexual behavior and much more.

Developing a general lack of interest the drug abuser may lose sight for his future ie his goals may not become that important as they used to be. According to Lainey Staley drugs are not the way to light, they won’t lead to a fairytale life, they lead to suffering.

Drug addiction is a complex disease that needs long term treatment just like any other chronic condition and its also the duty of the government to take administrative and legal policy measures to put an end to the menace of drug addiction.

If serious measures aren’t taken then the very future of today’s youth will severely be compromised and this problem has become so serious that it can’t be ignored now. It calls for sustained engagement and coordinated action among countries. The drug is actually a bet with our mind, therefore, it is now time to be responsible for our actions.

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Drugs - Escape From Reality. (2019, Dec 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/drugs-escape-from-reality/