Reflection of Motivation of Early Dropout from Drug Abuse Treatment

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The correlation between early dropout addicts and lack of motivation. Simpson created three scales used to determine the stages of cognitive treatment. Simpson and Joe constructed a theory that different lifestyles can influence how the client will succeed in the treatment program. This study’s motive is to test the accuracy of three motivation levels for early treatment dropouts.

This study consist of 311 clients, addicts, with diverse socio demographics that are located in Corpus Christi, Dallas, And Houston. The clients were separated into three categories: Race, education, and Financial status.

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The average age of clients was 36 years, and 68% were males… 44% of the sample had completed grade 12. Forty-four percent were married, 40% were separated, widowed, or divorced, and 16% had never married… 48% of the sample reported either part-time (15%) or full-time (33%) employment in the 6-months prior to the intake interview; 42% were unemployed. (Simpson & Joe, 1993) The users of heroin only are 84%, cocaine and heroin users are 29 %, and 12% is cocaine only users.

The Self-rating form was given to each client that contained everyday problems in life with ratings from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The real-life problems were categorized as Assessment of Drug Use Problems(DP Scale), Desire for Help(DH Scale), and Treatment readiness(TR Scale). There was an in-person interview with a report for any issues the client might have with drugs. Next, there is a questionnaire dealing with suicidal thoughts.

After the treatment was completed the results shown that the women had higher scores, while the whites had higher scores than the minorities, non-whites. The Drug Problem and Desire for Help scales with lower scores had a 45% dropout rate. The clients that had a higher score were more likely to be successful in the drug treatment because they are identified their problems with drug addiction. Unlike the clients with a lower score were added to the percentage of early dropout of the drug treatment.

The Critical Reflection Section

According to the purpose of this study, the work involved did correspond with the study overall objective. The conclusions that were drawn from the data collection was accurate. Since there were various ways of the methods used in the experiment, the results could have been examined from a different perspective. The methods and materials used to conduct this study were basic used study strategies. The methods that were used could have been more beneficial with an increase in time. The results were well organized and separated into sections that were tested. In my opinion, the results were not as descriptive as I would have expected. The results were more a numerical based, versus analyzing the hypotheses with the results.

When the authors designed the study, they expected the study to be more effective in terms of the comparisons between the three scales. The authors did not observe the study as an understanding of what causes addition to drug abuse. If they focused more on the realistic cause, the study would be more beneficial and have a better reasoning for why the motivation levels are the way they are. But, the diversity of the study was a decent percentage, but there should have been a 50- 50 even cut between women and men. Because it would bring exact results. The study although could be delicate to those who are dealing with this issue, because they may feel discouragement and defensive to successfully passing the drug abuse operation.

The research was lawful, equal, and trustworthy; In my opinion, the client’s personal rights were respected due to the level of testing. The author didn’t do intensive nor intensive testing. Meaning there weren’t restrictions that were addressed during the research, although the authors expected the clients to make little goals for quitting since the survey they took told the authors if they will continue the clean life or go back to drugs. Along with, the encouragement from others whether it be from family to friends, and they envisioned the chances of quitting drugs by giving the clients a 5 point scale to rate themselves.

In the future, the research can expand to how the impact of race effects drug abuse. The authors can now focus on the economic standpoint of drug abuse. The author can also evaluate what causes drug addiction in most in today’s society. Since motivation is one subject that is discussed in the psychology, and how it impacts the human mind to make decisions, as well as encouragement. Motivation is a drive that is implanted in the mind. This study demonstrates the power of motivation, and how it can influence the drive of a decision like dealing with drug abuse.


Simpson, D. D., & Joe, G. W. (1993). Motivation as a predictor of early dropout from drug abuse treatment. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 30(2), 357-368. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.30.2.357

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Reflection of Motivation of Early Dropout from Drug Abuse Treatment. (2019, Sep 30). Retrieved from