Social Media’s Role in Perceptions of Racism in the USA

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Social Media’s Role in Perceptions of Racism in the USA

Investigating the digital age’s socio-cultural dynamics, this essay explores how social media platforms influence, reflect, and sometimes amplify perceptions of racism in the U.S. By examining viral incidents, trends, and public discourse, it sheds light on the virtual realm’s power in shaping racial dialogues. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Racism topic.

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Research studies show that racism has been in existence for centuries. Whether this is still an issue, is the question we must ask ourselves. The internet or, social media has become a major part of society over the years and conveys information, news, opinionated posts, and propaganda, as well. There are several factors involved within this topic and a plethora of resources available in search of the answers. We will look at different opinions, research studies, and ideas in relation to this topic to figure out possible resolutions if the problem is still of concern.

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This topic involves every race, ethnicity, and culture in America. The importance of this issue is a vital part of everyday life. If racism is, still an issue in America, are social media sites contributing, or is it just portrayed that way?

There are several positions held on the topic of racism. One side is the supporting side, that believes racism still exists in America today. On the contrary, there is the opposing side which believes that racism is only viewed as an issue enhanced by social media groups, and followers. Equally important, is a side that is inconclusive, as they believe that it goes both ways depending on the outlooks perceived by everyone. Studies provided will include: opinions, propaganda, the effects of social media performed by credible researchers, and documented studies backed by well-known authors. Finally, the research performed will include ways of dissuading the possible racism issues, and/or suppositions to find a compromise as to the outcome.

Theoretically, with different outlooks on situations that have evolved over the years and throughout history, it is crucial to understand research presented by the studies. Some believe that the racial issues in America have subsided tremendously, with others using references of politics and media being the culprit. Other studies show racism as an expression used; although it is lacking the credible information needed to back up one’s theories.

The research provided is used to help the reader see a different approach to possible causes of racism in general. According to the author presented below, the research provided helps readers to see alternative views on the topic. Although the author is not biased, he states that it’s intended purpose is to educate people to the different reasons why racism, is racism (Mellor, 2001). Combining different theoretical approaches to the supposed racist issues in America plays a vital role in this argument. It will incorporate a new but alternative way of thinking about racism. This concedes with, if any, the big picture on racism.

Undoubtedly, media has evolved tremendously throughout the years and is widely used by many people in everyday life. Seemingly, this concedes with the many ways in which people perceive news all around the world. Media, whether it’s the news or Facebook; brings out opinions or feelings of what the speaker may be trying to relay to the reader. It is used to change someone’s thought process, or to make them see a different side. Social media plays a big part in society today and can be used to influence people into thinking against what they believe. It has the tendency to speak out against certain problems in the world, as to get someone riled up and cause a chain reaction as it progresses.

As stated above, social media has a big influence on people’s lives and the ways in which they perceive things. Has social media ever made an impact on your life? Why do people tend to follow other’s based on opinion instead of truth? The Cosmopolitan Civil Societies claims that social media has made a big impact on racism in general. He claims that people are enticed by the internet and social networks; posting news and information that is not true or twisted in some way. The author also states that the media has corrupted the minds of onlookers, creating a more pristine way into the racism world (TCCS, 5655). People from all the over the United States are drawn into media, lacking information to back their posts.

Looking at another view, the U.S. Department of State Committee put into order, a recommendation to rid the United States of any and all racial discriminates. This order is supported by the White House and proclaims that no individual regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, or background will be discriminated against (Howell, 2011). Knowing that this source includes superior leaders as in U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, and other important parties; is a likely contributor to sway a person’s views on the racism issues and its entirety. One could say that supporters of this argument gain more due to its credibility and correspondence from trusting informants.

While there are several different ways to look at the possible racism issues in the world, the author below uses propaganda to show that racial issues do still exist today. The picture shows two people of different ethnicity shaking hands to show unity between them. This source is helpful in showing that there is a need for unity between every race. It also points out the aspects in relation to social media, along with the effects it can have on someone coming across the picture that the author has provided. Propaganda is a great way to argue about topics or issues, as they are “”eye-catching”” and grab the reader’s attention. Knowing that the world revolves around the media network, he attempts to get his point across on the importance of unity. The author argues that “”everyone should come together regardless of color, culture, or ethnic background”” (Granlund, 2002).

Looking at a different point of view, there is another side to the claims on racial issues. The author uses a visual aid showing how people may take advantage to get what they want. Seemingly, this is used regarding work, school, sports, criminal cases, and on social media as well. The propaganda used below represents the authors claim to just that. The ad suggests that if you holler racist during an argument or debate, that it will hush the opposing side, and you win (Pundit, 2015). However, on the other side of this, people are afraid to speak up for themselves due to the chance of being called a racist. Both sides show different approaches to the issue. Is this a likely culprit when it comes to getting away with certain things that one may be liable for? It brings up questions to consider when linking the authors view to today’s world. With everything going on in the world today, the word could be widely referenced in many situations.

In support of the possible racism issues in America, this author points out the issues with racism, especially whites and African American’s. The author notes that “”people try and act like racism is not an issue, although research has proven otherwise”” (Fredericks, 2018). He states that the issues are not only race related, but also from a political standpoint. His idea is to bring out the issue to where it can be dealt with and worked on, among every different race. The author’s article is meant to scrutinize racism and show the problems in America today. Seemingly, this would help the reader to understand the effects and issues that lie between certain races. It may be used to find a resolution for his claims on the issue in which he supports.

Bringing into the light yet another supporting author, this view is seen as a segregation between races and how it has progressed over the years. It is backed by news articles and claims. According to his research, racism is still an issue, and over time could cause detrimental actions for the future”” (Contreras, 2018). He uses criticism to point out the problems in America today and backs his allegations with important and reliable sources. Is it safe to say that the author may be onto something when he speaks of future problems that may arise? It would sure make someone think when reading his point of view on the issue. Creating an outlook on such a claim would be more conclusive in finding a resolution for the proposed problems. Seeing as though this is a well-known author, the credit would be supported or at least, investigated in a more abrupt way.

Looking into the lateral point of view with social media being a contributor, this author claims that media has greatly impacted the racial problems in America over the years; however, the author also points out facts that there are laws against racism on social media sites or internet in general, as it is a serious offense and could cause detrimental results in the end (Interdisciplinary Journal, 2016). Using social media sites to gain the support of others involved in certain groups or mainstream information, has proven to progress over the years. One can be openly responsive to the idea in which the author is trying to portray. Knowing that social media has sparked the attention of millions, and includes different ages, races, and cultures, one can concede that the author makes a valid argument to the approach. Included in the studies are topics of exploitation to racism and laws backing supported claims.

There is a common link between most of the research performed by the authors on the racism issue. Considering the social media era, there seems to be a common ground between social sites and racism. Each writer brought up good points and facts in reference to these supposed ties. There are many conclusions that can become of this supposed issue; however, the similarities all revolve around trying to persuade the reader into believing the author’s research studies. The studies presented facts, graphs, professional, well-known authors, professors, and scholarly views. Seemingly, this would gain great attention from the reader or bring about a whole new thinking process on the issue. Although social media is not spoken in all the author’s writings, it is most of the information presented throughout the research. It can be shown in all the studies, the amount of research that was put into finding the truth behind the proposed issue of racism and if any, its connection to social media. Finding a common ground between all the author’s writing and research would be ideal in reaching an agreement on the issue.

In a contribution to the claims presented, the causes and causative factors present different outlooks claiming that there are racist supporters, but that anti-racism is abroad as well (Naomi, 2015). Proposing the positive and negative views towards the issues regarding racism today, theories are conclusive to proving that social media and news persuasions made on people change the ways they think. Cases submitted in court has shown this theory to be true and can attribute the findings backed by this author claims. Although the author supports the idea that racism is still alive today, she sees both sides of the issue. The reliable credibility used, portrays people in support of the argument, but also groups that are against them.

According to USA Today, race is not going away and with efforts from our last president, Barack Obama, issues are on the rise (Howell, 2011). The author claims that racism must be worked on throughout America. Studies show that attempts were made by President Barack Obama during a time in his presidency when the issue of racism was brought up. This included studies from the New York Times and triggered different ethnicities and their beliefs over the topic. Seemingly, this tactic was meant to be used as a guard against the theories and included speeches addressing problems with racism in general. Although racism would more than likely never truly end the issue, that it needs attention.

The resource provided above brings up important information on the triggers of race and racism in America. Reliable claims support the author’s argument and possible contributing factors. Seeing this authors point of view, along with supporting credible sources to include one of our previous presidents, would help a reader in seeing the big picture with the possible racism problems. With the attributes made, one can be optimistic to the point of view in which the author perceives. Is this the evidence that would persuade a reader into rethinking the racism topic? Knowing that the research is backed by credible and authority figures, one may see this side as convincing enough.

Lastly, this author’s argument is backed by research performed over the centuries, to include the present day. It provides references for proposed speeches, history, and professors around the world. The idea is to get society to see how social media is being used to support racial tactics in America. The author’s claims are that people are enticed by the internet and social forums; even when news and information are incorrect or twisted. Millennials are not only consuming news on these social networks; they are consuming more than they intended to when they go on the networks, they are engaging with the news, and they are being exposed to a wider range of topics and opinions than many suspect (American Press 1).

With research, there are several different ways of finding resources to support an argument or claim. The author’s all back their content with credible sources and references throughout. It is reasonable to say, that all the author’s present a good argument to their supporting ideas and issues. There are many social networks on the internet and are gaining more and more perspective as time goes on. Most of the author’s in agreement with each other, link social media to racism. Racism is presented in different ways but ends up being around the same end results. The author’s introduced their arguments, backed them with credible research, and stated the issues as seen from their concluding evidence.

In research, it can be reasonable to that each author finds more than enough sources and information to back their claims. Seeing as though this argument is based mainly on theories, it would be very difficult to persuade an audience into believing either side, except for what they first initially thought from the beginning. Reading different sides of the argument brings out questions that may not have been thought of before. It helps to open a new way of seeing things and assists with viewing it from another perspective. These research findings could be beneficial in continuing the investigation to claims that are made about racism. Studies, as they progress, tend to become more reliable and perpetual to the reader.

Finding a happy medium for all the research found would be ideal. Finding different ways to work on the issue of racism, or the thought that we may have one could be a team impacted research. Racism and social media have a widespread effect through several of the author’s writing. If this is so, it would seem more advisable for everyone to come together as a team, to find a resolution. Things are seen in different ways depending on how a person perceives it, with, each writer contributing their opinions and research to find a common middle and work on ways to downplay issues such as these would be ideal.

Credible resources are gathered from every one of the author’s, they are backed by well-known writer’s, peer-viewed, and found on the college site. Although some of the authors are in opposing views to the issues of racism, their results are a common basis for finding truth by a study. If there is no guarantee to the end of this issue in question, why not work together to find ways of downplaying the views of others, and find a common ground between each other? By working together, regardless of the ways in which you believe on the question of racism, or the possible effects of social media making it seem more intense than it really is, it would be a great justice to the American people for everyone to work together. Social media according to research, is used by most Americans. Seemingly, if there were any racism issues, they would more than likely be found there. With the research gathered up by each writer, it seems to be more so leaning towards the issue that racism is still around. We can perceive things in several ways and depending on the outlook of the person at hand, it is hard to say yay or nay to the opposing sides of this discussion.

Racism may still be an issue in America, and social media may be a major contributor if this is so. But, without more evidence, it cannot be justified one way or the other. However, each author brought up a good argument in relation to their views and opinions, which would enable a reader or audience to think more critically about the topic. Both sides presented their research thoroughly, and through convincing aspects, except for a few that had no intention on one way or the other. Furthermore, opening a new research as to how to work together, to help prevent the likeliness of racism down the line.

It is conceivable, that both sides to this argument, can reach an agreement and move forward to change how race is perceived, and create a better understanding amongst themselves. This would be a start towards working on a possible problem to this issue later, that is if it hasn’t already been in sight.

Fredericks, Shawn. “”Opinion: Dear White People, Racism is Still an Issue.”” University Wire, 17 Jun. 2018. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Contreras, Russell. “”Study: US Inequality Persists 50 Years After Landmark Report.”” Albuquerque Tribune, 27 Feb. 2018. SIRS Issues Researcher,

am Published 08/21/15 5:00. “”Race, Ethnicity, and the Use of Social Media for News.”” American Press Institute, 1 Oct. 2015,

Racial divide bridge (Credit: Dave Granlund,

Cartoon Selected by ProQuest Staff

Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Alt-right White Lite: Trolling, Hate Speech and Cyber Racism on Social Media | Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: AnInterdisciplinaryJournal,

Howell, Llewellyn D. “”Losing the Race to Erase Racism.”” USA Today (Farmingdale), Mar. 2011, pp. 62. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Mboti, Nyasha. Media Racism: Beyond Modernity and Postmodernity.,

Nishi, Naomi W., et al. Exposing the White Avatar: Projections, Justifications, and the

Ever-Evolving American Racism. Social Identities, vol. 21, no. 5, Sept. 2015, pp. 459“473. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/13504630.2015.1093470.

Mellor, David, et al. The Perception of Racism in Ambiguous Scenarios. Journal of

Ethnic & Migration Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, July 2001, pp. 473“488. EBSCOhost,


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Social Media's Role in Perceptions of Racism in the USA. (2019, Jan 04). Retrieved from